Events & Trust News
Below you will find trust news and information from some of the many events that have taken place to raise money for the Andi Bull Cancer Trust, should you wish to arrange a similar event please do not hesitate to contact us
Northants 4x4 response team and the ABC Trust joined forces at the 2012 Panda Playday on September 16th, which was held this year at Yarwell. Lots of fun was had by all, in and out of the vehicles! Lots of burgers were eaten, finished off by cakes from the stall manned by ABCT supporters. ABCT was given a donation of £689.13 as proceeds from the day and raised £268.30 on the cake stall. Thanks to Mark and all of the 4x4 folks and a special thank you to all of our wonderful bakers of cakes who worked so hard providing us with plenty to keep lots of hungry participants sustained during the day.
Tracey took collection boxes to several events during August and September around Market Harborough, and raised £37.67. Thanks for that Tracey, and for spreading the word in Leicestershire!
Four employees of Loakes shoemakers, Steve, Callum, Mikey and Kev, ran the Silverstone Half Marathon on Sunday 3rd March and achieved very respectable times. They raised a wonderful total of £452.01 for the trust. Thanks to all of you and to friends, family and Loake's employees who supported them.
Michelle ran the Adidas Half Marathon at Siverstone on Sunday March 5th 2013 and has collected a total of £420.13 which was matched by Siemens to the sum of £250 making a grand total of £720.13! . This is the result of Michelle working very hard in numerous ways over the past year to increase her fitness levels. Well done Michelle - we are all so proud of you!
The Hungry Horse Pub at Sunnyside on Boughton Green Road in Northampton, has pledged to support the ABC Trust during the next year. They have agreed to have collection boxes on their bar and held a funday in aid of the trust on Saturday 25th August 2012. So far, they have raised £235.36. Thanks to Ian and Chris for your help with this.
Susan organised a coffee morning at Spring Gardens in Higham Ferrers on Saturday July 7th 2012 and raised £22. Thanks to everyone and we hope you enjoyed your coffee.
Many decendants of Eben and Mary Hawkins (Andi was a great grandson) got together to celebrate what would have been their 100th Wedding Anniversary on May 27th 2012. They all had a fantastic Sunday buffet lunch and catchup, reminiscing with some wonderful stories of their childhoods and memories of other members of the family. Kate put together a celebratory DVD of the family story with lots of family photographs and sold them in aid of the ABC Trust. £263 was raised in total! Thanks to everyone who took part in the day and especially to Janet for hosting the party.
Allison and her dog completed the Waendel Walk on May 12th 2012, raising £151 for the ABC Trust! Thanks Allison, we hope that neither of you were too exhausted!
Daniel (aged 9) and Connor (aged 4) completed their first Waendel Walk on Saturday May 12th 2012 and raised a fantastic £200 for the ABC Trust. Well done boys, you were amazing!!
Cierda, who is 12 years old and who attends Abbeyfield School for Perfoming Arts in Northampton did a sponsored talk about the trust for 5 hrs and 4 minutes with just a 10 minute break!! She researched from the website and used facts that she already knew about Andi to talk to staff and other pupils at the school. She raised £174 through sponsorship. What a wonderful idea and well done Cierda
Henry completed the London Marathon on 22nd April 2012 dressed as 'Tigger', pledging 50% of the money raised to the ABC Trust. So far, he has raised £1.827.50 (inc. gift aid). Some interesting facts that Henry has told us about the day, include:
· I managed to get a bad cold the week before which served to slow me down a bit on the day- but came in at 4 hours 14 minutes and 44 seconds. All in all though, pleased with my time.
· It meant I came in ahead of Gordon Ramsey and Will Young and also all the people from 'The Only Way is Essex' who were taking part!
· I was one of six participants aiming for the Guinness World Record for fastest marathon dressed as a book character- unfortunately I had no chance as a new record was set by someone dressed as Dracula in a ridiculously fast time of 2 hours and 42 minutes.
· Because of the Guinness World Record attempt, it meant I started in the Green Start with other people attempting records and all the celebrities- although I didn’t actually see any one I recognised!
· Lots of interesting people and costumes to see along the course including two people running on stilts, a pantomime horse, a person dressed in a huge dog costume, a person dressed as the Honey Monster, someone dressed as Bagpuss, not to mention various other animals and cartoon characters. I was told there were at least another two Tiggers’ too but I didn’t see them!
Thanks Henry... that Tigger suit is getting a lot of wear!
Lesley and Brenda raised £150 by asking staff to donate unwanted Christmas presents for their tombola stall at the Easter Egg Hunt at St Barnabas C.E. School in Wellingborough on Sunday 25th March 2012. Thank you all for your continuing support of the Trust.
The ABC Trust support group attended the Wellingborough Gang Show every evening during the 2012 performances from 19th to 24th March 2012 and collected contributions from enthralled audiences. During the week, £235.26 was collected. Thank you so much to everyone involved in the Gang Show and especially to Pete Morrall, the producer, who kindly agreed to us attending.
Alan organised a golfing day on Friday 9th March 2012 at Kettering Golf course and then onto the Ranelagh Arms pub in Wellingborough for refreshments. Despite the weather being a little chilly, a good day was had by all. Thanks to all who attended and a special thanks to Alan for arranging the day which very successfully raised £700 for the trust!
Thrapston, Oundle and Wellingborough Slimming World groups have a collection box and regularly make contributions to the trust, they have raised £60 to date. Thanks to Sarah for organising this