Events & Trust News
Below you will find trust news and information from some of the many events that have taken place to raise money for the Andi Bull Cancer Trust, should you wish to arrange a similar event please do not hesitate to contact us
The 2nd Wollaston Guides held a coffee evening and also organised for some of the guides to take part in the Waendel Walk on Saturday May 11th 2013. They raised a wonderful £175 for the ABC Trust. Thank you so much to you all.
2nd Wollaston Brownies raised £126.15 at a coffee evening where they also held a fashion show of costumes that they had previously made of 'junk' on Tuesday May 7th 2013. Thanks to Amy (Brown Owl) and her guiding colleagues for organising and running the evening and thanks to all the families and friends who attended and the many who provided raffle prizes.
On 28th April 2013, 50 supporters of the ABC Trust climbed the O2 in Greenwich, London as a sponsored event. Some traveled to London together from Wellingborough by coach, leaving at 8am on Sunday morning, whilst others traveled independently, preferring to make the event part of an exciting weekend. Everyone achieved their objective and had a fantastic experience at the same time. Well done to all who took part, and thanks to those who traveled down with us for support. The final total amounts to a phenomenal £6,142.63!!!
We would like to say a big thank you to two local supporters: RB Travel, Pytchley, who subsidised a coach to get many of our supporters to the O2 and Worksafe Direct (UK) Ltd, Corby who provided t-shirts for the climbers to wear for the day, publicising the trust around the O2 complex.
Lesley and Brenda raised £70 from a tombola stall at St Barnabas C.E. School Wellingborough at their Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday April 21st 2013, having asked staff to donate any unwanted Christmas presents. Thanks to everyone concerned especially Lesley and Brenda for organising the event. Many thanks to St Barnabas School for their ongoing support of the trust..
On Saturday 21st September 2013, a tombola in aid of the ABC Trust was held at the St Barnabas Church of England School in Wellingborough's Teddy Bears Parachute Event. Lots of friends and family donated a variety of toiletries and sweets for the stall, which raised an amazing £113!! Thanks to all who donated and especially to Brenda and Donna who organised the tombola. Thanks also to Sue, the new head of St Barnabas for agreeing to continue supporting the trust.
Cromhall Divers hold a yearly collection for the ABC trust at their dive site and raised £195.37 to date. Thanks to Mel for arranging this.
St Mary's Widows Support Group, Rushden, have agreed to support the ABCT for the next 12 months (2013) and to date have contributed £100. Thanks to all the members for thinking of us.
The Staff at the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service in Cardiff had a collection in lieu of sending Christmas Cards during the 2012 Christmas Season and raised £52.50! Thanks to Natalie (Clinical Nurse Specialist) for nominating the ABC Trust to receive the collection.
Karl made the ABC Trust his favoured charity during December 2012, raising money for the trust with contributions collected during his amazing Christmas Lights display. He raised a grand total of £1740.
Because of the high profile of the lights in the local area (and beyond), we reached many people who previously were not aware of the trust, and really appreciate the exposure and promotion that the lights gave us. Thanks Karl and all your family for all your hard work.
The Park House Restaurant in Kettering held a xmas raffle during December 2012. ABCT were invited to the Christmas Eve event where they drew the first ticket! The Park House raised the money for two charities including the ABC Trust who were given a cheque for £110! Thanks to Laurie and his staff for all their hard work during December selling raffle tickets and to Laurie for presenting the cheque to Kat.
The ABC Trust attended the St Andrew's Church Community Christmas Fair, Kettering on Saturday 8th December 2012 to promote and raise funds for the trust. A wonderful time was had by all and the community made us feel very welcome. Bruce the Lion accompanied us and helped us to raise £103!! Thanks to all who supported the fair and to the committee for inviting us.
Karen, Maureen and Pauline held a Phoenix card party on 25th October 2012 in aid of the ABC Trust. Lots of fun was had by all as well as the purchase of lots of wonderful xmas resources. The proceeds of a raffle were added to the cheque that Phoenix Cards gave the Trust and a brilliant £35 was raised. Thanks guys!
St Barnabas Infant School in Wellingborough held a harvest service on Monday October 22nd, They dedicated their retiring collection of £150.00 to the Andi Bull Cancer Trust. Thank you to all the teachers, pupils and support staff for their continuing support and to the parents and visitors for their generosity..
A car boot sale in aid of the trust, held on Sunday October 21st raised £155.13. Thank you to everyone who donated goods for the sale especially Tori (aged 9) who cleared out her bedroom and gave many of her toys and games.
In September 2012, Ali, one of the ABCT support team attended the Focus Group of Hope Methodist Church in Rushden to talk about Andi and the Trust to the members. During the evening, £55 was raised and the group have chosen the Trust as their chosen charity for the coming year! Thanks to Stephanie and all the members and well done to Ali for giving such a good talk.