Events & Trust News

Below you will find trust news and information from some of the many events that have taken place to raise money for the Andi Bull Cancer Trust, should you wish to arrange a similar event please do not hesitate to contact us


Boys and girls in Beaver and Cub packs throughout Kettering and Corby, rode round Rockingham Speedway on Tuesday 6th May 2014. There was a total of over 500 riders all on the track. Halfords were on site to help the children with any bike repairs as well as with their badge work. George, aged 9, from 20th Kettering Pack said ‘ This was great fun riding with my friends and leaders, I managed 10 laps’ The money will be divided between two charities, one of which is the Andi Bull Cancer Trust which received a total of £491.50. Thank you so much to Bec Murphy and Linda Edwards, Assistant District Commissioners for Glendon district, for organising the event and for inviting us to the AGM to receive the cheque.

Nicky Stocks has arranged multiple collection boxes placed in The Globe in Raunds, The Smiths Arms in Kempston and The Viking in Rushden. To date, he and the staff have collected an outstanding £736.53! Thanks to Nicky, the staff and the customers for supporting the ABCT.

Masterfit on Broad Green Wellingborough, collected £36.64 in their collection box to date. Thanks to Roger, other staff and all customers who contributed..

The Park House in Kettering held a Christmas Raffle during the festive season 2013 in aid of the ABC Trust and one other charity. They raised an amazing £120 for the trust! Thanks to Laurie and all his staff.

The Park House Restaurant in Kettering are supporting the trust by having collection boxes on their bar counter. They have so far collected £135.36 . Thanks to Laurie and all the staff.

TThe ABC Trust were invited to have a stall at the St Andrew's Church Kettering Xmas Fair which took place over two days: Thursday 5th and Saturday 7th December 2013. Recycled toys and other gifts that had been donated to the trust were sold and £176. 14 was raised over the two events. Thank you to Jeanette, Lynn, Steve, Daniel and Connor for your help and to everyone who donated gifts for the stall and came to support the fair

Our very own Lin Bull took on a mammoth challenge of climbing the Harbor Bridge in Sydney, Australia on 13th November 2013 for the ABC Trust. This was a special challenge for her as it was something her son, Andi Bull wanted to do however never got the opportunity. Lin took on the challenge on Andi's behalf and through sponsorship, raised an amazing £1501.08. Thanks to all the many people that sponsored her including a corporate sponsor Loakes Shoes, and a massive well done to Lin for this achievement and fulfilling one of Andi's wishes

A donation of £500 was given to the trust by Church's shoes in Northampton as a result of a member of staff opening the Church car park for 'Saints' rugby games and other staff donations. Thank you so much to all at Church's and especially Laura who nominated the Trust

Waitrose in Rushden chose the ABC Trust as one of their 'green token' charities for the month of June 2013. The store was visited frequently and many supporters watched eagerly as the containers filled up. The Trust was sent a cheque for £430! Thank you to Mark and all the staff at Waitrose and to everyone who deposited their green tokens in the ABCT container.

The Hope Focus Group in Rushden sent a donation of £100 to the ABC Trust as part of their ongoing support this year. Thank you all for continuing to think of the trust.

Daniel, 10, asked his teacher at Millbrook Junior School Kettering, if he could hold a sale in the playground after school for the ABC Trust. He bought stationery items and collected children's books and toys from friends and family and set up his stall in May 2013. He raised £30 before the British weather stopped his enterprise. The school then very kindly allowed him to have another stall at their summer fair, during which, he went on to collect a further £75.52, making an amazing total of £105.52!! Well done Daniel!

A coffee morning was held at Spring Gardens Higham Ferrers on Saturday June 8th and raised £20. Thank you all so much especially to Susan for organising this.

Regulars at the Viking Pub in Grangeway, Rushden undertook a thrilling bungee jump on 14th May 2013. Despite the wind and the rain, several customers jumped from a platform in the car park and some others went for a ride in the cage. Thanks to Nicky for all his hard work in organising a wonderful evening. The jump raised an amazing £801.70!

Louis and Mimi (aged 9 and 10 years) walked for 25K as part of the Waendel weekend around the villages surrounding Wellingborough. They asked for sponsors and raised a grand total (including gift aid) of £453!!. Well done to you both for walking that far and thank you to the adults that accompanied and supported you.

Some members of the 2nd Wollaston Brownies were sponsored by family and friends to walk the 10k Waendel Walk on Saturday May 11th 2013. Despite dodging the rain, they all completed it in a very respectable time. They raised an amazing £215! Thanks to all and especially to Amy (Brown Owl) for organising the event.

Saturday the 8th. The Andi Bull Cancer Trust - Registered Charity No: 1139471