Events & Trust News

Below you will find trust news and information from some of the many events that have taken place to raise money for the Andi Bull Cancer Trust, should you wish to arrange a similar event please do not hesitate to contact us


The trust attended the Community Christmas Fair at St Andrews Church Xmas Charity Event in Kettering selling books and other bits and pieces on Thursday 3rd and Saturday 5th December 2015. We raised an amazing total of £298 over the two events. Thank you to all who attended and especially to Chris and other church members who organised and hosted the event. A special thank you to Hannah who made us cakes to sell at the event.

Millbrook Infants School Kettering held their Xmas Fayre on Friday 27th November 2015. The trust sold children's books and raised £52.11. Thank you to all the staff and parents who attended.

Rushton Pocket Park event was held on Saturday 21st November 2015 in Rushton Village Hall. The trust had a table to sell books and other bits and pieces and raised a total of £30.50. Thank you to Elaine for organising and running the event.

The Andi Bull Cancer Trust attended the St Barnabas Shopping event on 12th November 2015 at St Barnabas Infant School in Wellingborough. We sold reasonably priced children's books and a profit of £57.50. Thank you to Sabrina for organising the event on behalf of the Friends of St Barnabas School.

Wilko's (Wilkinson) Wellingborough kindly donated £15 in gift vouchers to the Andi Bull Cancer Trust, Many thanks to all the Wilko's staff.

Higham Piecemakers Patchwork & Quilting Group donated an amazing £1000 to the trust on 18th October 2015 as part of their fundraising for the year. Thank you so much to them for considering ABCT as a recipient

The Committee of Hollowell Steam and Heavy Horse Show selected the Andi Bull Cancer Trust to receive a wonderful check for £1000 as part of the fundraising from the 2015 show that they held on 4th and 5th July. We would like to thank the committee for considering us.

ABCT attended a Classic Car Show in Castle Fields Higham Ferrers on August 2nd 2015, with a stall selling raffle tickets and drinks. We raised an amazing £289 during the day. Thank you so much to the Rotary Cub of Rushden Chichele for hosting the event and making us so welcome. Also, thank you to Puegeot, David Scott, Santa Pod and Silverstone for the raffle prizes.

The ABCT held their first ever Family Funday at the Sir John Lowther Scout Centre in Glendon on Saturday 18th July 2015. Lots of families attended and took part in activities such as archery, shooting and go-carting as well as an under 5's area, bouncy castle, hook a duck etc for younger members of families (and those who are young at heart). We all had an amazing day, which some of us finished off with a burger or ice cream, raising £1012.18 for the trust.

Thank you to all the contributors and volunteers, including those qualified scout volunteers who generously gave up their time for the trust! Thank you especially to Letty and Greg of the JLC Centre who made it all possible. We hope to repeat the experience in 2016.

Laura and Fiona took part in our National Lift Tower Abseil Challenge on the 23rd May, taking on the biggest structure that dominates the Northampton skyline. They both successfully abseiled the 420ft structure and raised £620 in sponsorship between them. Thanks to you both for being the first to take on this challenge and thanks also to all their sponsors. 

Justine made a cake at the request of Mo, free of charge. Mo then consequently donated £120 to the trust for the kind gesture. Thank you so much to both of you for thinking of the trust.

Ellis, Jack, Tom and Ryan collected £20 by collecting coins at their school, Oldbury Academy, during the Spring Term 2015. Thank you so much boys, for thinking about the trust to donate your collection to.

Alistair, a member of the Lodge of St James in Northampton, researched the trust and delivered a presentation to his lodge. Consequently, the lodge has donated an amazing £1500 towards our project to install internet access into cancer wards in Northampton General Hospital to enable young patients to keep in touch with family and friends during their treatment. Thank you so much to the Lodge of St James and especially to Alistair for all his hard work.

Rockingham Scout Fellowship donated £200 to the trust following a quiz they distributed around their friends, family and in the local area during the first few months of 2015. Thank you all for your hard work and for making us so welcome at your meetings.

Members of the ABC Trust Support Team were invited to have a stall at the spring fair held at St Barnabas Infant School in Wellingborough on 21st March 2015. They raised £73.51 by selling books and having a fun activity. Thanks to all at FOSB and everyone who attended.

Saturday the 8th. The Andi Bull Cancer Trust - Registered Charity No: 1139471