Events & Trust News
Below you will find trust news and information from some of the many events that have taken place to raise money for the Andi Bull Cancer Trust, should you wish to arrange a similar event please do not hesitate to contact us
We would like to thank Loakes Bros (Shoemakers) of Kettering for their continuing support and their very generous donation of £1000. Please follow this link for more information on Loake Bros and a link to their website.
The Spread Eagle in Corby are supporting the trust by having collection boxes on their bar counter. During 2014 they collected a total of £104.93 . Thanks to all the staff and to those making the donations.
The Park House Restaurant in Kettering are supporting the trust by having collection boxes on their bar counter. During 2014 they collected £199.14. Thanks to Laurie and all the staff for your continued support.
The Viking in Rushden have raised during 2014 an outstanding £180.72! Thanks to the staff and the customers for supporting the ABCT.
Broad Green Peugeot in Wellingborough raised £6.78 during 2014 by placing a collection box on their show room counter. Thank you to Richard and all in the showroom for your continuing support.
The One Stop shop on Broad Green Wellingborough collected £66.68 in a collection boxes during 2014. Thanks to all the staff and customers
At York Ward and Rowlatt, Wellingborough during 2014 ,The Parts, Service and Masterfit Departments collected an amazing £39.71. Thanks to all concerned.
During 2014 Croyland Car Megastore in Rushden have raised an amazing £107.26 from the collection box on their service station counter. In addition to this, Croyland Car Megastore matched this amount giving a combined total of £214.52. Thanks to all the staff and managment and those who contributed.
We were invited again this year to host a stall at the St Andrew's Church Kettering Xmas Fair which took place over two days: Thursday 4th and Saturday 6th December 2013. Thanks to Chris for inviting us once again and to all who manned and visited our stall over the two days. we raised a total of £213.50
Millbrook Infant School in Kettering held a Christmas Fair on Friday 28th November 2014 where the ABC trust held a stall and we raised a total of £65. thanks to all who atended and also to Mrs Kelly the head teacher for inviting us.
Supporters of the Andi Bull Cancer Trust attended the Asda store in Kettering on Saturday 9th August and helped shoppers by packing their bags, thanks to their generosity a total of £401.08 was raised. Thanks to all customers for the kindness and staff at Asda for their hospitality.
Supporters of the ABC Trust hosted a stall at the Higham Ferrers Classic Car Show on Sunday 3rd August 2014, where they painted numerous faces and 'tattooed' lots of arms and legs, whilst others talked to the visitors about the trust. £100.32 was raised. Thanks to Ali for arranging the day, Ali and Dannie who manned the 'tattooing' and stenciling and to everyone else who had a part in the success of the day.
Millbrook School in Kettering held a Summer Fair on Saturday 28th June 2014. Two of the ABC Support Team Lynn and Steve Thompson sourced and sold a variety of books and toys including Lego, generously donated by Lego themselves. They raised £145 for the ABC Trust. Thank you to Lynn, Steve, Daniel and Connor for all their hard work, and to Millbrook School for hosting the event.
Members of the support team attended the Asda store in Kettering on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st June 2014 and thanks to the generosity of customers, collected a total of £240.19 over the two days. Thanks to all customers and staff at Asda and especially to Jennifer for organising the event.
A group of people took part in the Andi Challenge 2014 - 'Climb over the O2' on June 7th 2014. They all traveled to the O2 in London and achieved the climb, having an amazing day experiencing all the O2 complex has to offer. Whilst enjoying the experience, they managed to raise an amazing total of £1,639.56! Thank you to everyone who took part and those who sponsored them.