Events & Trust News

Below you will find trust news and information from some of the many events that have taken place to raise money for the Andi Bull Cancer Trust, should you wish to arrange a similar event please do not hesitate to contact us


The trust attended the Community Christmas Fair at St Andrews Church Christmas Charity Event in Kettering selling books and other items on Thursday 7th and Saturday 9th December 2017. We raised an amazing total of £123.33 over the two days. Thank you to all who attended and supported the trust.

ABCT was in attendance at eha annual Higham Ferrers Classic Car Show on August 6th 2017. We hosted an automotive related raffle and also sold cold drinks and snacks. We raised an amazing £354.47 during the day. Thank you so much to the Rotary Cub of Rushden Chichele for hosting the event and making us so welcome. Also, thank you to Santa Pod Raceway, Rockingham Speedway, Silverstone Circuit, Lokes Shoes, York Ward & Rowlet, Croyland Motors for their generous raffle prize donations.

The ABCT held another Family Funday at the Sir John Lowther Scout Centre in Glendon on Saturday 15th July 2017. Lots of families attended despite the poor weather and took part in activities such as archery, shooting and go-carting as well as the smaller children enjoying the under 5's area, bouncy castle, hook a duck etc. The weather improved in in the afternoon which brought people along and we had a good attendance we raised aprox £900.00 for the trust.

Thank you to all the contributors and volunteers, including those qualified scout volunteers who generously gave up their time for the trust and most of all thanks to those that came along dispite the poor weather to support us.

The Andi Bull Cancer Trust team assisted by Sainsburys staff took part in a bag packing event 5th-7th May. We also had a stall selling trust merchandise and giving out information regarding the trust to shoppers. During the weekend we managed to raise a total of £400.00. This event was part of our charity being the charity of the year for Sainsburys Kettering, for more information on other events held at the store please visit this page.

On a very cold day, just before the winter break, members of the Direct Distribution team at Nationwide in Moulton Park, Northampton were sponsored to walk around Pitsford Reservoir on 22nd December 2016 and raised a wonderful £250.77 for the Andi Bull Cancer Trust. Thanks to Marc for organising the event and to everyone who took part for braving the winter weather.

A grand total of £110.00 was raised from donations by members of Wellingborough HASSRA who contributed to the ABC Trust rather than sending Christmas cards during the 2016 season. Thank you to you all!

The Andi Bull Cancer Trust team assisted by Sainsburys staff took part in a bag packing event 16th-18th December. We also had a stall selling trust merchandise and giving out information regarding the trust to shoppers. During the weekend we managed to raise a total of £678.95. This event was part of our charity being the charity of the year for Sainsburys Kettering, for more information on other events held at the store please visit this page.

On Thursday 1st and Saturday 3rd December 2016, the support team sold books and other assorted items at the St Andrews Church (Kettering) Annual Charity Christmas Fair. We raised an amazing amount of £204.60! Thank you so much to Chris and other church members for all your hard work in making the event such a success once again.

During the weekend of 19th and 20th November, the Little Ale House in Wellingborough, held a 24 hour cycle in aid of the ABC Trust. The were loaned an exercise cycle by Anytime Fitness in Rushden and patrons of the Ale house cycled in 15 minute stints, some taking multiple turns. This continued from 12 noon on Saturday throughout the night until 12 noon on Sunday. On Wednesday 7th December, Martin presented ABCT with the total raised which was a phenomenal £1161.80!! A big thank you to everyone who contributed whether with money or making the time to take part in the cycle.

On Saturday 26th November 2016, the Andi Bull Cancer Trust attended the Redwell Nursery School Xmas Fayre (Wellingborough), raising £51.10. Thanks to the committee and staff at the nursery for putting on the event and making us feel so welcome.

The ABC Trust attended the Xmas Shopping Evening at St Barnabas School in Wellingborough on Thursday 17th November 2016 and raised £71! Thanks to Sabrina, Fiona and other FOSB members for organising the event!

The Andi Bull Cancer Trust team assisted by Sainsburys staff took part in a bag packing event 15th-17th July. We also had a stall selling trust merchandise and giving out information regarding the trust to shoppers. During the weekend we managed to raise a total of £534.42. This event was part of our charity being the charity of the year for Sainsburys Kettering, for more information on other events held at the store please visit this page.

Martin, Richard, Simon, Alex, Bob, Ammo and Bill, regulars at the Little Ale House in Wellingborough took part in a 'Pickled Egg Challenge' on Sunday 21st February 2016. With a maximum of two eating at any one time, they had an hour to consume 50 pickled eggs and managed it in 54 minutes and 6 seconds. It is anticipated that they will have raised an 'eggsellant' total of £442 for the ABC Trust. Our 'eggstreme' thanks go to Martin for organising the event, Richard, for agreeing to be part of it, Bob for the adjudication and everyone who stepped in to help to 'eggsessively' achieve the challenge. Thanks also to all the other customers who came along to cheer the 'egg eaters' along.

Loakes Shoemakers in Kettering donated an incredible £1000 to the ABC Trust in January 2016. Thank you to all the managers and staff at Loakes for their ongoing support - we are very grateful. Please follow this link for more information on Loake Bros and a link to their website.

Sunnyside (Hungry George) at Northampton held a series of events including quiz nights during December 2015 and January 2016 when they raised a total of £170 for the ABC Trust! Thank you so much to Laurie and all of the staff there for your ongoing support of the trust.

Saturday the 8th. The Andi Bull Cancer Trust - Registered Charity No: 1139471