The ABCT held their first ever Family Funday at the Sir John Lowther Scout Centre in Glendon on Saturday 18th July 2015. Lots of families attended and took part in activities such as archery, shooting and go-carting as well as an under 5's area, bouncy castle, hook a duck etc for younger members of families (and those who are young at heart). We all had an amazing day, which some of us finished off with a burger or ice cream, raising £1012.18 for the trust.

Thank you to all the contributors and volunteers, including those qualified scout volunteers who generously gave up their time for the trust! Thank you especially to Letty and Greg of the JLC Centre who made it all possible. We hope to repeat the experience in 2016.

Saturday the 8th. The Andi Bull Cancer Trust - Registered Charity No: 1139471